Bye-bye, 2024!
Hello, 2025?
December finals ARE OVER (thank god…) so I want to use the time off before February/March finals to work on this site. Even though this project is nowhere near as advanced as I wanted it to be, I think it was a good first year. I got somewhat comfortable with Neocities and its culture and found some amazing people and artists I don’t think I otherwise would.
With 2025 just around the corner, I started to think about my New Year’s resolutions and I thought it could be cute to have a New Year's resolution (Neocities ver.) so, ladies and gentlemen, I present you….
My Neocities New Year Resolutions
- Learn JavaScript for once and stop pretending it’s just ugly c++.
- Use newly acquired JavaScript skills to make a nice gallery page that can be filtered by tag and can open a lightbox modal… thingy.
- Reuse the script done in resolution #2 to make an art gallery/art museum for art and artists I love.
- Make a page to keep the books I’ll read throughout the year.
- And finally, figure out how to do the fungarium.
artistic rendition of the gallery page
( I know I have a “to-do” list on my homepage but it is a little abstract and I use it to add anything that comes to my mind. )
As for my not neocities-related resolutions:
- Get my driver's licence
- Take more pictures and videos!!
- Exercise more consistently
- Do better in college (praying for just straight Bs at this point)
- read more (especially Latin American authors.. mi gente latino)
- hate to admit this but… use twitter less…
and that's it (for now)
lets go back to 2024.
I am getting ahead of myself. the year hasn’t ended yet!!
So before that happens let's commemorate this year’s finest stuff I hyperfixated on with TAAMI’S SEAL OF EXCELLENCE “I LIKED THIS” 1ST EDITION®
(yes i am well awere am B-A-S-I-C)
First entry!
Hii! First entry. Brand new page. Let's go!!
When I was a child I kept many diaries. I don’t know exactly when or why I stopped doing it. Last year I got myself a scrapbook after realising I couldn’t remember a single thing I did in 2022. Now it’s double its original size and filled with paper, receipts, little drawings, wrappers and almost every trash I came across. I hope for the same vibe for this page so I’ll try to update it often, maybe twice a month..? (I won’t promise anything tho…)
That being said; this year was exceptionally uneventful. I didn't do much besides going to classes and now even that is finished. Meaning… finals season started * thunder sfx *
The year highlight was my little sister's graduation. She is so big now! I teared up when I saw her in her graduation outfit. Her grad party was amazing! I had such a great time.
Photo of my sis and I. Dated a gazillion years ago.
The second big thing I did this year was start this project. I hoped It would have been much more complete by now but, alas, college kicked my ass.
That’s pretty much it. Byeee.
This is a title
This is a subtitle
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus et sagittis magna. Nullam sollicitudin arcu quis lacus vestibulum suscipit. Duis vel varius tortor. Cras vulputate diam est. Suspendisse eu augue neque. This is a spoiler: Nam sed urna ex. Praesent consectetur pulvinar risus non facilisis. Nam ut libero tincidunt ipsum hendrerit fermentum id nec sapien. Nam ut efficitur risus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Vivamus aliquet aliquam nisi ac consequat. Duis tempus in diam quis rhoncus. Sed tincidunt, risus vitae vehicula vulputate, justo tellus congue diam, id posuere nisl magna sed eros. Suspendisse convallis laoreet sapien a volutpat. Etiam eget augue magna.
Donec sit amet sem a magna tincidunt tempor ut non odio. This is highlighed text. In ornare, lorem sed dapibus aliquet, magna arcu sollicitudin odio, ac rutrum velit lorem non quam. Nam vitae sapien dictum, ultrices velit ut, bibendum risus. Etiam pellentesque nisl at mi lacinia, at fermentum arcu finibus. Phasellus lacinia quam lorem, ut finibus elit lobortis nec. Sed nec justo at justo tempor ullamcorper sit amet et orci. Fusce porta metus in velit mollis, eu blandit libero pellentesque.
Aenean nec erat imperdiet, finibus nulla eget, mattis nulla. Nunc non eleifend urna, et consectetur velit. Etiam blandit dolor augue, sed feugiat odio pulvinar nec. Duis placerat libero ut pretium consectetur. Maecenas efficitur ultricies imperdiet. Suspendisse sit amet orci feugiat, elementum tortor sit amet, condimentum dui. Pellentesque porta convallis sollicitudin. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nam mattis metus vitae est consectetur, sed viverra diam dapibus. Curabitur bibendum aliquet elit. Nullam tincidunt, elit sed aliquam posuere, arcu sapien pellentesque ex, vitae eleifend enim nisi ac magna.
This is a caption (and thats my wife)
This is the color palette used for the dithering [{"hex":"#495b21"},{"hex":"#b7313e"},{"hex":"#0c0000"},{"hex":"#f9f8f8"},{"hex":"#c4c779"},{"hex":"#dfa19b"}]